Daily / Monthly Weather History From This Station
Daily Report for the month of December 2024
1 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 58.0°F |
Average humidity | 41% |
Average dewpoint | 33.1°F |
Average barometer | 30.1 in. |
Average windspeed | 1.2 mph |
Average gustspeed | 2.1 mph |
Average direction | 241° (WSW) |
Rainfall for month | 0.00 in. |
Rainfall for year | 3.53 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.00 in. on 01 at 00:00 |
Maximum temperature | 71.8°F on 01 at 12:48 |
Minimum temperature | 46.4°F on 01 at 07:31 |
Maximum humidity | 64% on 01 at 00:00 |
Minimum humidity | 12% on 01 at 12:42 |
Maximum pressure | 30.159 in. on 01 at 09:02 |
Minimum pressure | 30.050 in. on 01 at 04:04 |
Maximum windspeed | 4.6 mph on 01 at 13:14 |
Maximum gust speed | 8.1 mph from 155 °(SSE) on 01 at 13:08 |
Maximum heat index | 77.4°F on 01 at 15:49 |
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2 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 56.7°F |
Average humidity | 58% |
Average dewpoint | 41.5°F |
Average barometer | 30.1 in. |
Average windspeed | 0.5 mph |
Average gustspeed | 1.0 mph |
Average direction | 213° (SSW) |
Rainfall for month | 0.00 in. |
Rainfall for year | 3.53 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.00 in. on 02 at 23:59 |
Maximum temperature | 66.8°F on 02 at 14:37 |
Minimum temperature | 49.9°F on 02 at 23:04 |
Maximum humidity | 78% on 02 at 23:04 |
Minimum humidity | 41% on 02 at 09:41 |
Maximum pressure | 30.141 in. on 02 at 09:26 |
Minimum pressure | 30.062 in. on 02 at 14:10 |
Maximum windspeed | 5.8 mph on 02 at 11:55 |
Maximum gust speed | 8.1 mph from 170 °(S) on 02 at 11:59 |
Maximum heat index | 66.8°F on 02 at 14:37 |
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3 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 56.4°F |
Average humidity | 62% |
Average dewpoint | 43.0°F |
Average barometer | 30.1 in. |
Average windspeed | 0.9 mph |
Average gustspeed | 1.5 mph |
Average direction | 200° (SSW) |
Rainfall for month | 0.00 in. |
Rainfall for year | 3.53 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.00 in. on 03 at 23:59 |
Maximum temperature | 68.6°F on 03 at 09:30 |
Minimum temperature | 50.3°F on 03 at 02:34 |
Maximum humidity | 76% on 03 at 01:07 |
Minimum humidity | 39% on 03 at 09:30 |
Maximum pressure | 30.149 in. on 03 at 23:24 |
Minimum pressure | 30.070 in. on 03 at 13:59 |
Maximum windspeed | 5.8 mph on 03 at 14:05 |
Maximum gust speed | 9.2 mph from 232 °(SW) on 03 at 14:20 |
Maximum heat index | 77.5°F on 03 at 09:20 |
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4 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 56.6°F |
Average humidity | 63% |
Average dewpoint | 43.8°F |
Average barometer | 30.2 in. |
Average windspeed | 0.4 mph |
Average gustspeed | 0.9 mph |
Average direction | 248° (WSW) |
Rainfall for month | 0.00 in. |
Rainfall for year | 3.53 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.00 in. on 04 at 23:59 |
Maximum temperature | 68.2°F on 04 at 14:09 |
Minimum temperature | 49.6°F on 04 at 23:59 |
Maximum humidity | 82% on 04 at 22:40 |
Minimum humidity | 44% on 04 at 12:04 |
Maximum pressure | 30.186 in. on 04 at 10:29 |
Minimum pressure | 30.116 in. on 04 at 17:29 |
Maximum windspeed | 5.8 mph on 04 at 12:56 |
Maximum gust speed | 9.2 mph from 284 °(WNW) on 04 at 12:55 |
Maximum heat index | 77.4°F on 04 at 14:11 |
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5 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 54.4°F |
Average humidity | 68% |
Average dewpoint | 43.5°F |
Average barometer | 30.2 in. |
Average windspeed | 0.8 mph |
Average gustspeed | 1.4 mph |
Average direction | 294° (WNW) |
Rainfall for month | 0.00 in. |
Rainfall for year | 3.53 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.00 in. on 05 at 23:59 |
Maximum temperature | 69.0°F on 05 at 12:06 |
Minimum temperature | 46.7°F on 05 at 03:37 |
Maximum humidity | 85% on 05 at 20:07 |
Minimum humidity | 39% on 05 at 11:23 |
Maximum pressure | 30.208 in. on 05 at 09:04 |
Minimum pressure | 30.109 in. on 05 at 13:58 |
Maximum windspeed | 5.8 mph on 05 at 14:48 |
Maximum gust speed | 10.4 mph from 232 °(SW) on 05 at 12:42 |
Maximum heat index | 77.5°F on 05 at 12:13 |
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6 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 53.8°F |
Average humidity | 66% |
Average dewpoint | 42.4°F |
Average barometer | 30.2 in. |
Average windspeed | 0.6 mph |
Average gustspeed | 1.1 mph |
Average direction | 248° (WSW) |
Rainfall for month | 0.00 in. |
Rainfall for year | 3.53 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.00 in. on 06 at 23:59 |
Maximum temperature | 65.7°F on 06 at 14:51 |
Minimum temperature | 44.3°F on 06 at 06:56 |
Maximum humidity | 86% on 06 at 05:20 |
Minimum humidity | 41% on 06 at 14:26 |
Maximum pressure | 30.198 in. on 06 at 10:00 |
Minimum pressure | 30.127 in. on 06 at 19:12 |
Maximum windspeed | 4.6 mph on 06 at 11:00 |
Maximum gust speed | 8.1 mph from 219 °(SW) on 06 at 11:22 |
Maximum heat index | 65.7°F on 06 at 14:49 |
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7 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 56.0°F |
Average humidity | 56% |
Average dewpoint | 39.9°F |
Average barometer | 30.1 in. |
Average windspeed | 0.7 mph |
Average gustspeed | 1.3 mph |
Average direction | 259° (W) |
Rainfall for month | 0.00 in. |
Rainfall for year | 3.53 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.00 in. on 07 at 23:59 |
Maximum temperature | 67.4°F on 07 at 09:36 |
Minimum temperature | 48.7°F on 07 at 05:37 |
Maximum humidity | 73% on 07 at 00:31 |
Minimum humidity | 31% on 07 at 09:56 |
Maximum pressure | 30.175 in. on 07 at 10:08 |
Minimum pressure | 30.073 in. on 07 at 19:22 |
Maximum windspeed | 4.6 mph on 07 at 13:56 |
Maximum gust speed | 8.1 mph from 236 °(SW) on 07 at 13:52 |
Maximum heat index | 67.4°F on 07 at 09:35 |
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8 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 52.9°F |
Average humidity | 60% |
Average dewpoint | 38.6°F |
Average barometer | 30.1 in. |
Average windspeed | 0.9 mph |
Average gustspeed | 1.6 mph |
Average direction | 286° (WNW) |
Rainfall for month | 0.00 in. |
Rainfall for year | 3.53 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.00 in. on 08 at 23:59 |
Maximum temperature | 67.5°F on 08 at 12:21 |
Minimum temperature | 44.5°F on 08 at 23:44 |
Maximum humidity | 83% on 08 at 22:10 |
Minimum humidity | 31% on 08 at 12:12 |
Maximum pressure | 30.106 in. on 08 at 09:17 |
Minimum pressure | 30.030 in. on 08 at 14:42 |
Maximum windspeed | 8.1 mph on 08 at 12:34 |
Maximum gust speed | 11.5 mph from 141 °(SE) on 08 at 12:36 |
Maximum heat index | 67.5°F on 08 at 12:21 |
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9 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 46.7°F |
Average humidity | 63% |
Average dewpoint | 33.7°F |
Average barometer | 30.2 in. |
Average windspeed | 1.2 mph |
Average gustspeed | 2.0 mph |
Average direction | 247° (WSW) |
Rainfall for month | 0.00 in. |
Rainfall for year | 3.53 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.00 in. on 09 at 23:59 |
Maximum temperature | 61.5°F on 09 at 10:12 |
Minimum temperature | 37.4°F on 09 at 04:32 |
Maximum humidity | 90% on 09 at 20:50 |
Minimum humidity | 27% on 09 at 09:59 |
Maximum pressure | 30.265 in. on 09 at 23:34 |
Minimum pressure | 30.087 in. on 09 at 00:01 |
Maximum windspeed | 5.8 mph on 09 at 12:40 |
Maximum gust speed | 8.1 mph from 171 °(S) on 09 at 12:40 |
Maximum heat index | 61.5°F on 09 at 10:12 |
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10 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 49.9°F |
Average humidity | 36% |
Average dewpoint | 23.2°F |
Average barometer | 30.3 in. |
Average windspeed | 2.1 mph |
Average gustspeed | 3.2 mph |
Average direction | 137° (SE) |
Rainfall for month | 0.00 in. |
Rainfall for year | 3.53 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.00 in. on 10 at 23:58 |
Maximum temperature | 59.8°F on 10 at 11:58 |
Minimum temperature | 39.8°F on 10 at 00:04 |
Maximum humidity | 72% on 10 at 00:01 |
Minimum humidity | 24% on 10 at 07:54 |
Maximum pressure | 30.373 in. on 10 at 10:07 |
Minimum pressure | 30.257 in. on 10 at 00:01 |
Maximum windspeed | 6.9 mph on 10 at 12:32 |
Maximum gust speed | 11.5 mph from 149 °(SSE) on 10 at 13:52 |
Maximum heat index | 59.8°F on 10 at 11:58 |
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11 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 52.5°F |
Average humidity | 29% |
Average dewpoint | 20.6°F |
Average barometer | 30.1 in. |
Average windspeed | 1.9 mph |
Average gustspeed | 3.0 mph |
Average direction | 138° (SE) |
Rainfall for month | 0.00 in. |
Rainfall for year | 3.53 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.00 in. on 11 at 23:59 |
Maximum temperature | 62.4°F on 11 at 13:30 |
Minimum temperature | 45.2°F on 11 at 06:13 |
Maximum humidity | 39% on 11 at 17:48 |
Minimum humidity | 18% on 11 at 12:59 |
Maximum pressure | 30.292 in. on 11 at 00:01 |
Minimum pressure | 29.899 in. on 11 at 23:57 |
Maximum windspeed | 6.9 mph on 11 at 13:41 |
Maximum gust speed | 10.4 mph from 165 °(SSE) on 11 at 14:42 |
Maximum heat index | 62.4°F on 11 at 13:30 |
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12 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 41.6°F |
Average humidity | 79% |
Average dewpoint | 34.0°F |
Average barometer | 29.9 in. |
Average windspeed | 5.6 mph |
Average gustspeed | 8.4 mph |
Average direction | 147° (SSE) |
Rainfall for month | 0.63 in. |
Rainfall for year | 4.16 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.01 in. on 12 at 22:01 |
Maximum temperature | 51.3°F on 12 at 03:28 |
Minimum temperature | 36.5°F on 12 at 07:17 |
Maximum humidity | 94% on 12 at 23:59 |
Minimum humidity | 26% on 12 at 03:49 |
Maximum pressure | 30.065 in. on 12 at 23:59 |
Minimum pressure | 29.804 in. on 12 at 05:34 |
Maximum windspeed | 20.7 mph on 12 at 05:35 |
Maximum gust speed | 29.9 mph from 126 °(SE) on 12 at 05:34 |
Maximum heat index | 51.3°F on 12 at 03:28 |
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13 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 44.5°F |
Average humidity | 78% |
Average dewpoint | 37.2°F |
Average barometer | 30.1 in. |
Average windspeed | 3.1 mph |
Average gustspeed | 4.8 mph |
Average direction | 128° (SE) |
Rainfall for month | 0.78 in. |
Rainfall for year | 4.31 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.01 in. on 13 at 12:39 |
Maximum temperature | 52.0°F on 13 at 22:22 |
Minimum temperature | 39.3°F on 13 at 00:08 |
Maximum humidity | 95% on 13 at 02:53 |
Minimum humidity | 43% on 13 at 23:14 |
Maximum pressure | 30.215 in. on 13 at 09:49 |
Minimum pressure | 30.054 in. on 13 at 23:13 |
Maximum windspeed | 13.8 mph on 13 at 22:33 |
Maximum gust speed | 20.7 mph from 171 °(S) on 13 at 22:32 |
Maximum heat index | 52.0°F on 13 at 22:22 |
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14 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 42.6°F |
Average humidity | 83% |
Average dewpoint | 37.3°F |
Average barometer | 30.0 in. |
Average windspeed | 8.8 mph |
Average gustspeed | 13.4 mph |
Average direction | 151° (SSE) |
Rainfall for month | 1.33 in. |
Rainfall for year | 4.86 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.02 in. on 14 at 12:10 |
Maximum temperature | 51.2°F on 14 at 07:27 |
Minimum temperature | 36.2°F on 14 at 23:59 |
Maximum humidity | 94% on 14 at 20:35 |
Minimum humidity | 46% on 14 at 08:11 |
Maximum pressure | 30.258 in. on 14 at 23:46 |
Minimum pressure | 29.816 in. on 14 at 05:52 |
Maximum windspeed | 28.8 mph on 14 at 08:50 |
Maximum gust speed | 43.7 mph from 156 °(SSE) on 14 at 08:43 |
Maximum heat index | 51.2°F on 14 at 07:27 |
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15 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 41.6°F |
Average humidity | 79% |
Average dewpoint | 35.2°F |
Average barometer | 30.3 in. |
Average windspeed | 1.4 mph |
Average gustspeed | 2.3 mph |
Average direction | 145° (SE) |
Rainfall for month | 1.33 in. |
Rainfall for year | 4.86 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.00 in. on 15 at 23:59 |
Maximum temperature | 52.1°F on 15 at 13:51 |
Minimum temperature | 32.9°F on 15 at 07:07 |
Maximum humidity | 94% on 15 at 08:35 |
Minimum humidity | 56% on 15 at 14:12 |
Maximum pressure | 30.321 in. on 15 at 10:29 |
Minimum pressure | 30.221 in. on 15 at 20:10 |
Maximum windspeed | 5.8 mph on 15 at 14:02 |
Maximum gust speed | 9.2 mph from 173 °(S) on 15 at 14:20 |
Maximum heat index | 52.1°F on 15 at 13:51 |
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16 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 45.5°F |
Average humidity | 70% |
Average dewpoint | 35.5°F |
Average barometer | 30.2 in. |
Average windspeed | 1.9 mph |
Average gustspeed | 3.3 mph |
Average direction | 103° (ESE) |
Rainfall for month | 1.95 in. |
Rainfall for year | 5.48 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.02 in. on 16 at 13:59 |
Maximum temperature | 50.4°F on 16 at 09:08 |
Minimum temperature | 42.2°F on 16 at 00:20 |
Maximum humidity | 94% on 16 at 23:59 |
Minimum humidity | 35% on 16 at 09:02 |
Maximum pressure | 30.262 in. on 16 at 00:01 |
Minimum pressure | 30.121 in. on 16 at 04:30 |
Maximum windspeed | 15.0 mph on 16 at 11:16 |
Maximum gust speed | 23.0 mph from 155 °(SSE) on 16 at 11:15 |
Maximum heat index | 50.4°F on 16 at 09:08 |
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17 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 49.4°F |
Average humidity | 78% |
Average dewpoint | 42.3°F |
Average barometer | 30.3 in. |
Average windspeed | 1.5 mph |
Average gustspeed | 2.6 mph |
Average direction | 350° (N) |
Rainfall for month | 1.95 in. |
Rainfall for year | 5.48 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.00 in. on 17 at 23:59 |
Maximum temperature | 66.9°F on 17 at 12:41 |
Minimum temperature | 38.0°F on 17 at 07:43 |
Maximum humidity | 94% on 17 at 06:15 |
Minimum humidity | 39% on 17 at 12:32 |
Maximum pressure | 30.322 in. on 17 at 10:29 |
Minimum pressure | 30.199 in. on 17 at 00:59 |
Maximum windspeed | 5.8 mph on 17 at 14:13 |
Maximum gust speed | 8.1 mph from 289 °(WNW) on 17 at 14:44 |
Maximum heat index | 66.9°F on 17 at 12:41 |
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18 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 51.1°F |
Average humidity | 68% |
Average dewpoint | 40.2°F |
Average barometer | 30.2 in. |
Average windspeed | 0.5 mph |
Average gustspeed | 1.0 mph |
Average direction | 253° (WSW) |
Rainfall for month | 1.95 in. |
Rainfall for year | 5.48 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.00 in. on 18 at 23:59 |
Maximum temperature | 67.9°F on 18 at 13:10 |
Minimum temperature | 42.1°F on 18 at 07:25 |
Maximum humidity | 83% on 18 at 01:21 |
Minimum humidity | 34% on 18 at 13:10 |
Maximum pressure | 30.317 in. on 18 at 09:54 |
Minimum pressure | 30.154 in. on 18 at 14:27 |
Maximum windspeed | 3.5 mph on 18 at 13:22 |
Maximum gust speed | 8.1 mph from 174 °(S) on 18 at 12:50 |
Maximum heat index | 67.9°F on 18 at 13:10 |
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19 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 60.8°F |
Average humidity | 39% |
Average dewpoint | 35.1°F |
Average barometer | 30.1 in. |
Average windspeed | 1.2 mph |
Average gustspeed | 1.9 mph |
Average direction | 140° (SE) |
Rainfall for month | 1.95 in. |
Rainfall for year | 5.48 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.00 in. on 19 at 23:59 |
Maximum temperature | 71.6°F on 19 at 12:11 |
Minimum temperature | 51.6°F on 19 at 06:57 |
Maximum humidity | 59% on 19 at 17:36 |
Minimum humidity | 25% on 19 at 11:49 |
Maximum pressure | 30.168 in. on 19 at 10:08 |
Minimum pressure | 30.055 in. on 19 at 23:22 |
Maximum windspeed | 6.9 mph on 19 at 22:49 |
Maximum gust speed | 9.2 mph from 084 °(E) on 19 at 22:48 |
Maximum heat index | 77.5°F on 19 at 10:37 |
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20 December Average and Extremes |
Average temperature | 62.3°F |
Average humidity | 37% |
Average dewpoint | 35.2°F |
Average barometer | 30.1 in. |
Average windspeed | 2.6 mph |
Average gustspeed | 3.9 mph |
Average direction | 116° (ESE) |
Rainfall for month | 1.95 in. |
Rainfall for year | 5.48 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.00 in. on 20 at 23:59 |
Maximum temperature | 70.2°F on 20 at 12:48 |
Minimum temperature | 54.2°F on 20 at 06:56 |
Maximum humidity | 61% on 20 at 16:07 |
Minimum humidity | 27% on 20 at 12:49 |
Maximum pressure | 30.119 in. on 20 at 10:04 |
Minimum pressure | 30.016 in. on 20 at 13:18 |
Maximum windspeed | 8.1 mph on 20 at 11:12 |
Maximum gust speed | 12.7 mph from 134 °(SE) on 20 at 11:11 |
Maximum heat index | 77.0°F on 20 at 13:55 |
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Average and Extremes for Month of December 2024 up to day 20 |
Average temperature | 51.7°F |
Average humidity | 61% |
Average dewpoint | 36.8°F |
Average barometer | 30.139 in. |
Average windspeed | 1.9 mph |
Average gustspeed | 3.0 mph |
Average direction | 155° (SSE) |
Rainfall for month | 1.95 in. |
Rainfall for year | 5.51 in. |
Maximum rain per minute | 0.02 in on 14 at 12:10 |
Maximum temperature | 71.8°F on 01 at 12:48 |
Minimum temperature | 32.9°F on 15 at 07:07 |
Maximum humidity | 95% on 13 at 02:53 |
Minimum humidity | 12% on 01 at 12:42 |
Maximum pressure | 30.37 in. on 10 at 10:07 |
Minimum pressure | 29.80 in. on 12 at 05:34 |
Maximum windspeed | 28.8 mph from 156°(SSE) on 14 at 08:50 |
Maximum gust speed | 43.7 mph from 158°(SSE) on 14 at 08:43 |
Maximum heat index | 77.5°F on 03 at 09:20 |
Avg daily max temp | 63.1°F |
Avg daily min temp | 43.8°F |
Growing degrees days | 166.2 GDD |
Day, Sunshine Hours, ET, Max Solar, UV |
01 00:00hrs |
ET :0.04 in. |
568.0 W/mē |
2.6 uv |
02 00:00hrs |
ET :0.02 in. |
547.0 W/mē |
2.4 uv |
03 00:00hrs |
ET :0.03 in. |
517.0 W/mē |
2.4 uv |
04 00:00hrs |
ET :0.02 in. |
519.0 W/mē |
2.4 uv |
05 00:00hrs |
ET :0.03 in. |
520.0 W/mē |
2.4 uv |
06 00:00hrs |
ET :0.02 in. |
527.0 W/mē |
2.3 uv |
07 00:00hrs |
ET :0.03 in. |
512.0 W/mē |
2.4 uv |
08 00:00hrs |
ET :0.03 in. |
529.0 W/mē |
2.3 uv |
09 00:00hrs |
ET :0.02 in. |
534.0 W/mē |
2.2 uv |
10 00:00hrs |
ET :0.05 in. |
533.0 W/mē |
2.2 uv |
11 00:00hrs |
ET :0.06 in. |
519.0 W/mē |
2.1 uv |
12 00:00hrs |
ET :0.04 in. |
701.0 W/mē |
2.2 uv |
13 00:00hrs |
ET :0.02 in. |
236.0 W/mē |
1.3 uv |
14 00:00hrs |
ET :0.04 in. |
109.0 W/mē |
0.6 uv |
15 00:00hrs |
ET :0.01 in. |
540.0 W/mē |
2.0 uv |
16 00:00hrs |
ET :0.02 in. |
97.0 W/mē |
0.6 uv |
17 00:00hrs |
ET :0.02 in. |
555.0 W/mē |
2.3 uv |
18 00:00hrs |
ET :0.02 in. |
526.0 W/mē |
2.3 uv |
19 00:00hrs |
ET :0.04 in. |
512.0 W/mē |
2.3 uv |
20 00:00hrs |
ET :0.06 in. |
554.0 W/mē |
2.5 uv |
Daily Rain Totals |
00.63 in. on 12 |
00.15 in. on 13 |
00.55 in. on 14 |
00.62 in. on 16 |